Booking Taxi from: Meliá Internacional Hotel to: Las terrazas

Booking Taxi from: Meliá Internacional Hotel to: Las terrazas

Booking Taxi from: Meliá Internacional Hotel to: Las terrazas
Distance: 260 km
Travel time: 4 Hours

($) Standard (1-3 PAX): 165 EUR
($) VIP (high comfort) (1-3 PAX): 200 EUR
($) Classic (3 PAX): 175 EUR
($) Minivan (1-7 PAX): 225 EUR
($) Plus per night
(20:00 H - 6:00 H) : 10 EUR

We charge extra for reserving on holiday dates, how year ends and other holiday dates in Cuba and the world. If you book on any of these dates you will see an extra cost in your reservation.

What we include for the cost of your transfer:
1- Wait and welcome with your name in a signal to identify, on arrival at the airport.
2- 60 min. waiting in the airport and 15 min. waiting on the premises of a hotel or other specified place. 
3- Client delivery in any area within the city.
4- Stops on the way of your trip, if it is more than 45 minutes.
5- Toll roads
6- Transshipment in case of car breakage.

About your suitcases:
- You must choose the type of transport according to the number of passengers and the suitcases with which you travel. If you choose a car type that does not fit the suitcases, you must pay for a larger car or 2 cars.

What should you do if you do not find the driver of your car?
- If your flight undergoes any change and you have difficulty finding the driver, you must call the emergency number, this phone is on your Voucher. To call you can use a public telephone or ask someone to lend your mobile phone, from a mobile phone, you can call at no cost (this is not possible from public telephones), by dialing: * 99 + emergency number , The cost of the call runs by us. If you do not call the emergency phone number and get into another taxi, you do not have the right to reimburse the payment previously made.

(Opcional) Taxi in Cuba provides an exclusive currency exchange service to our clients. You will not need to queue at CADECA (currency exchange house in Cuba) upon arrival at the airport, in addition to that the change in CADECA is:
1 USD = 0.87 CUC (for every 100 USD you receive in CADECA 87 CUC)
Our service has a better price:
1 USD = 0.90 CUC (For every 100 USD you receive 90 CUC) .
You must request in your reservation the amount of USD you wish to change so that our taxi driver takes the money ready for you upon your arrival.
At the moment we only accept USD for this service.
In addition we only accept tickets of 100 USD or more, we do not accept tickets of smaller denomination. Your request must be a multiple of 100

Mobile phone rental for your stay in Cuba

If you book with us all your taxis in Cuba until your return to the airport, we can rent a mobile phone with Cuban line and internet service, so that you are always in touch with us and your family.
You can make the request for this mobile in your reservation, when filling in the reservation form you should check the option: Rent a mobile with Cubacel line during your stay.

Price of mobile rental:
The cost of mobile phone rental is 10 CUC if your stay in Cuba is less than or equal to 10 days, if you want to rent the mobile for more than 10 days, the price is 1 CUC per day.
You can request the balance you want on your mobile, the minimum balance is 20 CUC.


In addition, you can optionally request an internet package on your mobile with the following costs:
600 MG: 7 CUC
1 GB: 10 CUC
2.5 GB: 20 CUC
4 GB: 30 CUC



Cost of calls: Calls from Mobile in Cuba are expensive.
Local calls cost 35 cents CUC per minute.
International calls:


Price x Min in CUC

North, Central and South America (Venezuela is excluded)




Rest of the world




To make an international call, you must prefix the exit code: 119
For example, if you are going to call the United States on the number: 1709898654 you should dial: 1191709898654

We recommend that you do not make international calls unless it is necessary because of the high cost of those calls. To communicate outside of Cuba you can use the Internet, Messenger, WhatApp or you can request a software for VOIP calls (iTelMobileDialer) with already incorporated balance with which you can call any country in the world at low cost through the internet.


Call our agency free of charge:
You can call us free of charge, for this you will have our contacts on your mobile, we can arrange accommodation, taxi, tours and everything you may need that is in our hands.

If your balance runs out, you can request to recharge your mobile, you just have to call us and make the request, then you can pay the day of the delivery of the mobile.

Delivery of the mobile:
You must deliver the phone to the driver of the taxi that will take you to the airport, it is essential that this taxi be contracted with us and not against the agency.

In case of loss or breakage of the mobile:
If you lose or break your mobile you must pay 100 CUC.

Learn about: Las terrazas

Las Terrazas es una experiencia rural de desarrollo sostenible situada dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Rosario, en el Municipio Candelaria de la provincia de Artemisa.

Surgimiento de la Comunidad Las Terrazas
En 1971 surge la pintoresca comunidad Las Terrazas, protagonista de lo que ha sucedido en esta área hasta nuestros días, la cual ha logrado participar activa y conscientemente en todas las acciones que se han realizado con vistas a lograr el desarrollo autogestionable del territorio, y elevar la calidad de vida material y espiritual de sus habitantes.
Constituye la segunda etapa de un proyecto iniciado en 1968, cuyo objetivo principal era la reforestación de un área de 5000 ha, mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población dispersa en la zona y establecer vías de comunicación con la red nacional de carreteras.

Espacio que ocupa
Las Terrazas ocupa un espacio natural de unas 5 mil hectáreas, Clima Temperatura promedio de 25 º C .

Surgimiento del Complejo Turístico Las Terrazas
Desde 1994, atendiendo a los atractivos geográficos y naturales, el área se ha convertido en un Complejo Turístico, orientado a la naturaleza y a la cultura, con una elevada demanda del turismo internacional. Ello conlleva a un compromiso, tanto de los residentes como de los visitantes para garantizar la conservación, preservación y control de este lugar; así como el respeto a la sociedad y la cultura local.

Opciones del complejo turístico
Las Terrazas ofrece la posibilidad de internarse en los laberintos de una historia pasada, a través de un recorrido por ruinas de cafetales franceses del siglo XIX. Cuenta con numerosos ríos que atraviesan la zona, entre ellos los más atractivos son el San Juan y el Bayate con pocetas naturales de aguas frescas y cristalinas.

El Hotel Moka, de estilo colonial y exquisito confort, le hacen percibir el mundo de una manera diferente, brindando la posibilidad de disfrutar una experiencia única de mezcla con lo natural. La Casa del lago situada a la orilla del lago San Juan es otro rincón para sucumbir ante la atmósfera de quietud que allí se respira.
A estas bondades le sirve de complemento la presencia de varios restaurantes que rinden culto a lo mejor de la comida criolla. Prestan servicios el centro náutico, el centro de información al turista -Rancho Curujey-, y el de investigaciones ecológicas, responsable de velar por la salud de los ecosistemas forestales.
En la comunidad hay una gran vida cultural y se hace más patente en la incesante actividad creadora de varios talleres de pintura, serigrafía, cerámica, madera y fibras vegetales.

Valores paisajísticos
El territorio goza de numerosos valores paisajísticos, cadenas montañosas y estrechos valles refrescados por ríos y arroyos con hermosos saltos de agua que se mezclan con profusos bosques siempre verdes de características semejantes a las selvas tropicales.En la diversidad de ecosistemas de este sitio privilegiado también participa un mundo animal variado: curiosos reptiles, únicos en su especie, como el lagarto de agua y una de las ranas más pequeñas del mundo, atractivas avecillas canoras entre las que se encuentra el cabrero, el ruiseñor y el Tocororo -ave nacional de Cuba-. Muchas especies migratorias también hallan refugio en esta porción de tierra pródiga.

Pictures of Las terrazas

Las TerrazasLas TerrazasLas TerrazasLas TerrazasLas Terrazas
Full Gallery > Las terrazas

Taxi in Cuba
It is a group of professional taxi drivers throughout Cuba (It is not a state company) that offers taxi reservation services: standard, VIP (luxury cars) minibus, classics and full-time taxi. Transfer for all Cuba: Havana Airport, Varadero Airport, Varadero, Havana, Viñales, Trinidad, Cienfuegos, Santa Clara, Santa Maria Key, and many more. In addition, rental cars, accommodation, and pass-tourist (Excursions and circuits).

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